Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hilton Head, South Carolina

By: Reese L Culbertson

Hilton Head, South Carolina is a fun place to go.  First reason why is you can go in the Atlantic Ocean.  Then, you can stay in a comfortable condo.  Last, you can sleep in a comfy bed. 
Do you want me to tell you a story about our trip to Hilton Head?  I can tell good stories!  This is a story about my brother breaking a paddle on the beach.  Now read my story!
Once upon a time, 8 families were at the beach.  One was my family, then there were the Bumbaughs, the Ziegeles, the Silcox family, the Davis family, the Browns, the Shrefflers, and the Lieblers.  As soon as we got there, I wanted to paddle board.  So JP (my brother) went with me.  My mom said not to go far in the water.  So JP and I stayed close to shore.  Well, a big wave came and knocked over the board.  I fell off and there was another wave that knocked the board on top of me.  I got  up and ran on the shore.  After, JP got so mad that I was hurt, he started slamming the paddle on the waves.  Well, it broke off and my mom sent him back to our condo. 
                                                        The End!
 Illustration by Elizabeth Culbertson

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